Sunday, March 29, 2009

Say an E-prayer for me

I never thought i'd come across something like this in my life, but unfortunately i have.

This is a website where you can pay a monthly fee to have a computer say a prayer for you, in a text-to-speech format.

Yes, you heard me correctly.

The site is aimed for people who "don't have the time of day to say a prayer," and are made sure that "Your prayers will always be said even if you wake up late, or forget."

I am one who definitely embraces technology in worship... but there are a few instances where this is going a little far. One example would be mega-churches making money from providing their resources to other churches. And, of course, this prayer website.

Anyways, you can look at this and have a good laugh like i did, but then remember all of the people who feel like giving their money to this and being duped into believing they are becoming 'closer' to God. For them, i'm going to say a real prayer. Yes, i will take some time out of my busy schedule.

Crazy, i know.

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