Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm Good

Ahh, hooked it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Can't think of a title, so i'm using "can't think of a title" as a title.

Video blogs will be arriving shortly.

That's all i have to say about that.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Freedom of Stupidity

One of the BIGGEST things that makes me mad is youtube video comments. First, if you're getting all of your political news from this website containing people getting sacked on railings and a squirrel waterskiing, you're clearly not at a point to be making rationalized political comments. Here is a comment i recently saw, regarding the news video from the recent pirate/navy seal situation. And i quote:

"Obama is a socialist dictator.. What gives him right to snipe pirates.. whats next, snipe anybody with a different opinion. What gives him this right... This is the first step to socialist dictatorship, REMOVE freedom of speech, and kill anyone who has a different opinion. Obama will bring the USA to its knees.. Vote republican for TRUE CHANGE."

Classic words. I'm willing to bet that the person making this comment was the CEO of Fox News.

Watch out, America. If i've ever seen a likeness between two people, i know for sure the most obvious is Obama and Stalin. We're just lucky we have highly trained and well-informed, non-biased individuals like the kind person above who are watching out for us and pointing these things out.

We salute you, Commander "Commie Lookout" Carl.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Letter of The Law

I divorce you.
I divorce you.
I divorce you.

That is all it takes, in a text message, to divorce your spouse in Saudi Arabia.

Remember when a divorce was a long, tedious process? Thanks to the marvels of modern technology, it is now as easy as ever. Thank goodness.

**To vote for this blog, text "Sweet Blog" to 44042. $11.95 per text message applies.**

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Big Whiskey and the Rediculous Fans

I came across this video on Dave Matthews Band's website. They invited some fans into the studio to listen to their sessions, which is fine. It's fine until you realize the weirdness of the people listening, especially the weirdo who's jamming out before any sort of beat starts. Maybe i'm just over-analyzing this, but i think the look on Dave's face at the very end sums it up pretty well.

When you're in the presence of 2 of the greatest musicians to ever grace this earth, maybe show a little more grace.