Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am stunned.


This is a very interesting story about a man who survived both of the atomic bombs dropped in Japan at the end of World War II.

Lucky, or unlucky?

How a man can make an order that kills 250,000+ people still perplexes me, even if it may have put an end to the war. Here is a question: When you're looking at the differences between Harry Truman and Adolf Hitler, does the intent behind their actions change how they should be treated for them? Should not both these men be in the same boat? (meaning the boat to hell...)

There's an ethics question for the masses to debate over.


  1. this makes me so sad. becoming a pacifist has been hard in our north AMERICAN culture. it is hard to be believed to be grateful to the thousands of people that have fought against "bad guys" - and i mean genuinely grateful - and remain in the stance that any and all killing is wrong.

    what about the debate over personal guns vs. atomic weapons as the worst inventions in human history? i've always leaned towards guns being the worst thing we've ever invented...

  2. I agree with all of your points, except for the one about guns being the worst thing ever invented....

    'High School Musical' is much worse.

    Is that an invention?

  3. in a related story, brenden and paul are going to get their gun licenses this weekend.

    and in a story even more related, i accidentally typed fun license since the f and g are side by side.

    freudian slip?

  4. The irony being that neither Paul nor Brenden would ever be allowed a Fun license...

  5. i don't even want a fun license.

    but i do think i'll get a fun gun license. those are pretty rad.
