Sunday, February 15, 2009

Beardy is Gone

I'm not sure if you heard about or saw this video, but it's amazingly uncomfortable.

Unless this is the biggest publicity stunt since Andy Kaufman vs. Jerry Lawler, this is really sad.

"Joaquin, i'm sorry you couldn't be here tonight."

I don't even know what to say....


  1. That was really hard to watch.

    Long live the, Blues Brothers...?

  2. i am on the side of "it's a scam"

    i think he's taking it on as an acting challenge against the media et al.

    but maybe that's just because i don't want to believe that he's g-o-n-e in every sense of the word, especially in the drug user sense.

  3. i'm going with the "He's completely wasted on drugs" side
