I was on the train the other day coming home from work, and these junior highers came on and were swearing up a storm and screaming at each other and just generally being obnoxious. Now, I don't know if maybe i'm just an old man now and these things bother me, but I guess that's the case. I remember that I was the coolest person in the world in Junior High. Nobody could tell me what to do, and me and my friends were unstoppable. But then I grew up and realized that was absolutely not the case. The opposite, in fact. I wish I could see these people in 10 years and give them a recording of what they were saying, because guaranteed they will be completely embarrassed. "I said that? I thought I was that cool? Now I work at Tim Horton's trying to make enough money to support my bastard child who's father bailed on us after we graduated 11th grade?? My how the table's have turned."
On a lighter note, I think the girl working at the Big Rock Brewery gift shop had a visual affair with me today.