Remember when I used to have a blog, and hundreds of thousands of people would check in on a regular basis to see my regularly posted insights? Yeah, it's such a long time ago it's hard to remember.
I'd like to say that I was taking that time to prepare a surprise for my fans who have so patiently waited these months without an update, like an album that's ready to go or some sort of feature-length movie about my life. But that's not it.....
Or I could tell you that I've been taking this time to rest after many years hard at work to bring you quality music, and I've worn myself out but now after a few months of laying low, I'm back and better than ever. But that's definitely not true.....
Truth is, I've been doing nothing.
But that's not right. You know it, and I know it. So I'm back. And I promise I'll be better at this. I've exhausted the amount of time I can go without making a recording of something that I've been working on. And I have been writing. Some stuff that's a lot more grown up than songs in the past (we've got some fireworks--to light up their smiles........what?!?) So I'm excited about that. I'm also excited about this:

The new guitar.
It's a Martin, with rosewood back and sides and a really nice tone. I'm very excited to start recording with this baby. Which brings me to my next point:
The new records.
I've put a lot of thought into this in the last month or so, and it's still coming together. Basically the idea looks like this: There will be 4 EP's that will be released within a very short time frame as each other, and each will have it's own unique style. I often find myself in the middle of recording an album, and I start to change the style in which I want it to sound. I'll be recording a nice folk acoustic album, and all of the sudden I feel like I need a full orchestra and layers and layers of electric guitar with heavy distortion. But with this concept, If I need to record a heavier song or want to add some electric to a song, I'll do it on the heavier album. If I write a song that's very simple and pretty, I can leave it be and put it on the acoustic album. I'll write a post later about the individual albums and what their styles with be, but for now it will be an alternative record, a very simple acoustic record, an in-between acoustic rock record, and finally either a live album or a collection of covers. I feel like this is going to be a good step and I will be able to do it with the gear I have. Which brings me to my last point:
The new recording gear.
I am planning on purchasing a Mac Pro to record with. This will add so much possibility to what I can do, and make things just a hell of a lot easier. Along with this, I'm going to be purchasing a new audio interface so that I can record more tracks at the same time, so when I attempt to record drums I will be able to have more control with the sound and less problems in the studio when trying to record drums on only 4 tracks. I'm very excited about this new gear that's going to be coming my way, and as soon as I get it, work will start on the new EP's. My plan is to get these records out for free, as I save up to do some work in a real studio on a real full-length record, so that I can create something that is worth putting up on iTunes for $9.99 and feel okay about people putting their money towards. But that will be a while after these 4 EP's are released, so patience will be required. Hopefully these 4 collections of songs will be able to suffice until things work out for a full length record in the future.
A website update is probably also due, so I'll work on that while I'm waiting on my gear. Any suggestions on website ideas, or any ideas for the EP's for that matter, would be awesome. Sometimes I get tunnel-vision when working on this stuff, so advice from outside is always appreciated. Just comment on this post or email me at and let me know if you have any ideas or complaints or suggestions.
I hope that we're still friends even after this long time apart.
I'll see you again soon. I promise.