Sorry about the lack of posts lately.
As you may see by this photo, i'm up to my ears in boxes. Some empty, some full. We're in the middle of moving out to an acreage, which would normally be fine, but i'm also trying to finish a full-length album and figure out my life for next year. It's looking more and more that the release of the album could be pushed back a few months. Deal with it. I could put out a really bad sounding album right now, or i could wait and release something that i can be proud of. And, since it's obviously all about me, i'll go with the latter.
I'll try to be a little better at posting more consistantly. I've been trying to put together some more video blogs, but i've been having problems with video files not working, and it's been taking a very long time. But, it's worth it, for a 2 minute video that may or may not make a maximum of 4 people laugh. Right?
And now, back to my boxes.