Sunday, May 24, 2009


Hey folks

Sorry it's been a while since i've posted anything. And no, i don't need to apologize to you.

but i just did.

You see, when you're a successful rock musician like myself, you don't always have the time to write blog entries. Even micro-blogging (twitter) eats up too much time. Sometimes i just need to take a break from life and seclude myself in the mountains where nobody can find me. There i'll befriend a bear, and we'll work together to fight crimes in the National Parks.

See, when i have nothing to say, i say meaningless things. Sadly, when i do have things to say, they're still meaningless.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Case Closed...

I know that you would all agree with me that obesity in the U.S. has been quite the mystery. How could this be? It has kept me sleepless most nights, actually.

Well, thanks to the National Post, we have found the answer. You want to know?


I'm so glad that we've got scientists working round-the-clock on these things. Well, they can't rest easy quite yet, there's a new pandemic that's been sweeping across the world, and we'll need their expertise to figure it out: How do they get Reese's Peanut Butter Cups to taste so good, if it's just peanut butter and chocolate?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Video Blog - Episode 002

A tour of Electric Soup Studios. Enjoy.