Sunday, March 29, 2009

Say an E-prayer for me

I never thought i'd come across something like this in my life, but unfortunately i have.

This is a website where you can pay a monthly fee to have a computer say a prayer for you, in a text-to-speech format.

Yes, you heard me correctly.

The site is aimed for people who "don't have the time of day to say a prayer," and are made sure that "Your prayers will always be said even if you wake up late, or forget."

I am one who definitely embraces technology in worship... but there are a few instances where this is going a little far. One example would be mega-churches making money from providing their resources to other churches. And, of course, this prayer website.

Anyways, you can look at this and have a good laugh like i did, but then remember all of the people who feel like giving their money to this and being duped into believing they are becoming 'closer' to God. For them, i'm going to say a real prayer. Yes, i will take some time out of my busy schedule.

Crazy, i know.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am stunned.

This is a very interesting story about a man who survived both of the atomic bombs dropped in Japan at the end of World War II.

Lucky, or unlucky?

How a man can make an order that kills 250,000+ people still perplexes me, even if it may have put an end to the war. Here is a question: When you're looking at the differences between Harry Truman and Adolf Hitler, does the intent behind their actions change how they should be treated for them? Should not both these men be in the same boat? (meaning the boat to hell...)

There's an ethics question for the masses to debate over.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I think i'm losing my voice.

This sucks because i'm attempting to record vocals right now.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

How Sweet The Sound

This just shattered my entire universe.....

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Here is a news story about a couple who witnessed that beheading on a greyhound bus last year. They were given counseling sessions and, yes, $450.

"You just witnessed the most horrific and terrifying thing you will ever see in your entire lifetime....Here's 450 bucks to make it better."

I think it's great that our society has a system for this to compensate in dollar amounts. Thanks, lawyers. You know, lawyer is Latin for liar. Have you ever seen a benefits plan at a job where they have the compensation listed for different injuries? If you lost a toe, you get $2000. If you lost a combination of your left index finger and 45% of the vision in your right eye, you get $3600, and so on. Just funny how people sit down to figure these things out.

Anyways, i feel terrible for these people, that they will have this irreversible and graphic image in their heads for the rest of their lives. Well, i'm sure the $450 will smooth things over.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

God Bless America?

It's funny how one piece of punctuation can absolutely and completely change the meaning of that...

You may have heard the story of how a man got pepper sprayed at the Canada/U.S. border for requesting that the border crossing guard say 'please' when asking him to turn off his car. If not, you can read the story here:

It may have been a little much for this man to demand a polite request from the guard, but it's still funny how the initial reaction to the refusal of participation was 'i'm going to blast this mo' fo' in the eyes with my pepper spray.' Maybe due to the lack of interesting things that happen at border crossings, he needed to spice up his day. Maybe, add a bit of pepper for flavour?


I understand the difference between Canadians and Americans isn't something that can be formulated or even generalized. I know a lot of Americans who are kind and polite people. However, in this case, it's almost an exact replication of what is sometimes seen as the difference between the two nations' people. It's like it's a deleted scene from the movie Canadian Bacon (which, if you haven't yet seen, please do.)

After all of this, the man's eyes will go back to normal, and his life will go on. Maybe now he'll realize that demanding respect is not going to yield the best results in every scenario...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009